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Mug's game in a sentence

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Sentence count:13+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-10-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chess gamechild's gamenumbers gamebusiness gamebillingsgatemug shotmugshotjames garfieldMeaning: n. a futile or unprofitable endeavor. 
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1. Gambling is a mug's game.
2. Teaching's a mug's game.
3. A mug's game, because her mind was blurred and Jessica was far too intelligent,( and caught her drift immediately.
4. Dieting is a mug's game.
5. John, It'sounds like a mug's game to me.
6. She always said it was a mug's game.
7. But it is a mug's game to try to distinguish degrees of mercilessness in this novel.
8. Betting on horses is mug's game - nobody ever wins in the long term.
9. Trying to sell overcoats in midsummer is a real mug's game.
10. I used to be a very heavy gambler, but not any more. It's a mug's game.
11. The aim of the campaign is to make young people believe that smoking is a mug's game.
12. He's as tough as old boots, but playing with drugs is still a mug's game.
13. Trying to sell ice to an Eskimo is a mug's game.
More similar words: chess gamechild's gamenumbers gamebusiness gamebillingsgatemug shotmugshotjames garfieldgamegameygamesgamelygameteend gameendgameaway gamecon gamebig gameball gamewar gamegame showballgamegame birdshell gamegame plancard gamefair gameligamentgame fishgamester
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